Reframing Global Warming Across the Political Spectrum

These days, green marketers are challenged to efficiently reach consumers and effectively impact their attitudes and behaviors.  There are many reasons for this of course: consumer attitudes are still evolving, familiarity with green products is just emerging and purchase behavior is inconsistent within and across categories.  As such, marketers tend to look for targetable demographic groups or behaviors that have a higher propensity for green. 


In this political year, it is interesting to examine whether political ideology, and more specifically, party identification as a Democrat or Republican is an indicator of interest in green. 


Today, there is a common perception that Democrats are more pro-environment than Republicans.  Indeed, on issues like global warming, it is not hard to see why.  According to a recent Porter Novelli/George Mason University consumer survey, Democrats consider global warming a “serious problem” nearly 2:1 over Republicans.  Additionally, only half as many Republicans as Democrats feel that by taking action they can impact global warming.


           Beliefs Regarding Global Warming by Political Affiliation


Yet, this perception may not necessarily reflect behavior.  In fact, when it comes to taking action, Republicans act more similar to Democrats than their views on the environment may suggest.  In fact, Democrats perform, on average, only one more green action  (from a list of 14 that includes using less energy, recycling, buying energy-efficient appliances, and buying organic food) than Republicans. 


For marketers, this observation may provide an opportunity.  Republicans may be as receptive to green as Democrats if marketers can reframe the underlying environmental issue and the messaging that is communicated to them.  Attitudinal research based on political party affiliation may provide clues to how this may be done.  Here are a few examples that marketers may want to consider:


Reinforce local benefits:  At the recent conference, Professors David Konisky, Jeff Milyo and Lilliard Richardson at the University of Missouri presented research that examines how attitudes toward government involvement change based on the type (ie, pollution, resource preservation, global warming) and geographic scale (ie, local, national, global) of the environmental issue.

Based on their research, Konisky et. al., determined that “party identification and political ideology are the strongest predictors of environmental attitudes”.  More specifically, “Republicans are much less likely to support further government efforts to address environmental issues.” 

Interestingly, Republicans were much more apt to favor governmental intervention if the issue affected people locally, or even nationally, rather than globally.  In speaking with Professor Konisky last week, he expressed his belief that “people tend to want the government to address proximate problems.”  One way to increase interest is by “reframing the climate change issue as one of local impacts [to] generate more concern for this issue relative to other issues.” 

While Konisky et. al., focused on attitudes toward governmental action, marketers should test the hypothesis that sentiment will carry over to campaigns that build awareness regarding climate change as well as influence purchase behavior.


Position as a leader:  A recent national survey conducted on behalf of the Civil Society Institute and its Results for America project (CSI/RFA) indicates that Republicans are more apt to favor action on global warming if the US is positioned “to lead – not follow – other nations” on both climate policy and clean tech.  In fact, while only 45% of Republicans (vs. 86% of Democrats) agree that we need “national leadership on global warming,” two-thirds of Republicans want American to take the lead on policy and technology development.


As such, marketers have an opportunity to test a leadership message when communicating with consumers regarding green.  Such a message may resonate well with consumers, and especially in categories in which a company is in a leadership position today (eg, General Electric, Toyota) or in which no clear established leader exists globally (eg, renewable energy, electric cars).  One recent example is Tesla, the California-based automotive up-start that established itself arguably as the leading electric car company with its weekend launch of a car that can go 225 miles without recharging and 0 to 60 in 4 seconds.


Focus on measurable impact:  Across the political spectrum, the “number of ‘green’ actions” is not strongly correlated with political party affiliation, but rather level of concern about climate change.  According to the CRI/RIA survey, those that believe that both global warming is dangerous and that action to mitigate it is efficacious perform more than 40% more green actions than those who do not – regardless of political persuasion. 


Marketers should consider a duel message to clarify not only the impact of global warming as well as the effectiveness of measures to mitigate it.


One example, laundry detergent, was mentioned by Joel Makower in his presentation at the Green and Good conference late last year.  Many brands focus on the environmental impact of the formula itself, advertising that a consumer can reduce his/her footprint by using a formula with a less burdensome manufacturing process and chemical makeup. 


Yet, as Makower pointed out, most of the impact from washing clothing is not from the manufacturing or distribution of the detergent but the heating of the water (according to GreenYour, this ranges from 85-90% of the total energy required for the washing).  As such, Tide and other brands that offer a cold water formula have an opportunity to message not only how well their products clean clothes but that they greatly reduce the carbon footprint from washing simply by not heating the water.

Konisky, David, Jeff Milyo, and Lilliard Richardson, “Environmental Policy Attitudes, Political Trust, and Geographic Scale,” abstract presented at the Western Political Science Association annual meeting, March 20-22, 2008.

129 thoughts on “Reframing Global Warming Across the Political Spectrum

  1. I find it important for everyone to get involved and not just the government or the big companies that are being pushed to the green path(wich is a great thing).

    I think we should encourage small and medium sized companies to see this responsible path as the best way of growing.(and not just to obey policies)

    I´m starting a blog about going green and I want to invite other bloggers to write “featured” articles related to this issue.

    Can I count on you?

    Kind regards,

    Daniel Aguilar

  2. great post, david. essential for us to advance our messaging tactics to push the right buttons and get both blue and red consumers to go green.

  3. Pingback: Une nouvelle génération d’environnementalistes? « UniVert

  4. Hey! Thanks for the great info, this has been one of the most interesting blogs I have read, especially since politics was a big part of it. I was browsing through a bunch of green websites and blogs and I came across yours and found it very interesting. There are a bunch of others I like too, like the daily green, ecorazzi and I especially like’s carbon calculator ( I find it really easy to use (it doesn’t make me feel guilty after I take it). Are there any others you would recommend? Can you drop me a link to your favorites (let me know if they are the same as mine).

  5. Hi There

    This is ecoanne from the UK. It was extremely interesting to see the report on the take up of green issues according to Political Party. I would like to see a similar analysis for the UK.
    In the UK efforts at recycling seem to be local or individual. Because of the UK planning laws decisions take years. People look after today because the news will be different tomorrow. It’s up to the ubiquitous “THEM” to do something. Is it lack of conviction, interest, selfishness, laziness or blind faith.

    I never thought I would say so but, I’m glad that I don’t have grandchildren.

    Save energy today. Tomorrow may bee too late. Please pay me a visit, thanks.

  6. Pingback: toyota prius hybrid

  7. Interesting article, as it’s primarily Middle-America where I expect to find suitable markets to target with my green business.
    I used to go along with the global warming bandwagon, but after carefully looking into the science, the philosophy, the names, and the PR behind it, I now believe it’s a scam to make the people accept total violation of their civil liberties by goverments. Kind of an alternative false-flag terrorism for those who don’t buy the usual false-flag terrorism. Republicans got 9/11, democrats got climate change. Consequences for both: outright servitude to the State.
    I still take as many if not more environmentally friendly actions than when I still believed in global warming, and much much more than the cheerleaders who are jet-setting around the globe to bring the message.
    Why? Not because of regulations or social pressure, but because it saves me tons of money and keeps me and my loved ones in perfect health – two things everyone aspires to regardless of political affiliation, right?

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  11. I hope that governments around the world hop on the green bandwagon before it’s too late. Although the “big entities” matter, I think that it’s hard for people to understand that although you’re “just one,” just one “billion” people make a huge difference. Think global, act local so that we leave our kids the kind of Earth in which they can thrive.

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  13. I don’t know if I concur with your post here. See you do make a good point, I don’t believe you have really given plenty of thought to the other side of this argument. Perhaps I could do a guest post or a follow-up, just tell.

  14. Global warming is the most difficult problem that all of us will going to face,where in fact I could say that we are now in the start of time that we are experiencing this. Many people must be more concern with the environment,all of us..before it will be too late.

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  16. While you are not making a hard sell through your advertisement just yet, building your list by getting other eZine’s subscribers subscribed to your eZine allows.

  17. I agree that marketers should try to target a green audience. We have to take care of our earth and that means selling less products that pollute the environment.

    I would like to see less, plastic plates, plastic forks and plastic cups sold. Why not just use glass. Its so much more environmentally friendly.

  18. That’s an interesting way of looking at global warming,
    it’s eating everything , oh my god, but we can not just stop using personal vehicle. these are increasing day by day. I guess this is a call for everybody…Let’s not wait for things to get worst.. let’s all help in saving nature. Afterall, it’s for our own benefit…

  19. I think much of the damage from green house emission is already done. While I can appreciate every effort to stop more damage, I think we’ve really screwed this planet in more ways then one and got some serious problems on the way.

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